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Coordination schemes, products and services for grid management

G. Boultadakis, P. Mann, P. Butkus, N. Appleman, M. Gianluigi, D. Siface, M. Rossi, M. Baron, J.P. Chaves, K. Glennung, I. Vaitiekuté, N. Savvopoulos, P. Josefsson, A. Sanjab, K. Kessels


This paper reflects the work carried out in the projects CoordiNet and INTERRFACE. Both projects are funded by the EU framework programme for research and innovation H2020, CoordiNet with grant number 824414, and INTERRFACE with grant number 824330. Within the focus area Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future, they respond to the call LC-SC3-ES5-2018-2020: TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage, and small-scale RES generation.

The elaboration of the paper constitutes on of the tasks in the CoordiNet project and the official deliverable can be found on the website of the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS).

Spanish layman's summary:
Este documento refleja la coordinación y el trabajo realizado en los proyectos CoordiNet e INTERRFACE tras dos años de desarrollo. En él se analizan los resultados obtenidos en esta fase en relación con los productos y servicios, así como con los sistemas de coordinación.

English layman's summary:
This paper reflects the coordination and work done in CoordiNet and INTERRFACE projects after two years of operation. It discusses the findings at this stage with regards to products & services as well as coordination schemes.

IIT Project: Coordinet (Coordinet)

Funding entity: Comisión Europea. Horizon 2020 – Cooperation / Energy

Publication date: 01-06-2021


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